I’m preparing to give a talk to our women’s group regarding the importance of humor in our Christian lives on Saturday, April 1st. Spoiler Alert: I’m going to ask those in attendance to think of the last time they had a good laugh before I begin.
For me, the last time a had a good laugh was actually this past Saturday during vespers! Let me explain: Since I was working at the front desk, Sister Elaine joined me there so we could pray together. This lovely, but sometimes distracted custom of praying together “at the desk” has come into existence for us after Sister Rebecca’s death. Anyway, we were almost finished with our evening office when the aide on duty came to the desk. I doubt that she knew what we were doing, and she starting explaining her plight. I might have asked her about the object in her hand, not a usual tool used on p.m. rounds. She had a knife in hand and was headed upstairs to try to unplug a toilet that wasn’t responding to plunging. I asked her why she didn’t look up diy solutions to this disgusting problem, to which she replied that she didn’t want to have: “how to get poop out of a plugged toilet” on her search history. Consequently, I did it for her, without hesitation. We learned that a good dose of hot water on top of baking soda should do the trick. I further suggested that if that didn’t work, a shot of vinegar to soak wouldn’t hurt. Once the situation was on its way to being rectified, I turned to Sister Elaine and asked, “Where were we?,” having forgotten where we had left off in our prayers. We were at the intercessions: “…show us your love.” Somehow, it struck us both so funny that we were making this type of petition at this time of toilet troubles. We couldn’t contain our giggles, or should I rather say bursts of laughter. It felt so good to laugh. (I guess, maybe you had to be there, but we both were in stitches.) It had been a rather tense and stressful few weeks, and I, for one, was sorely in need of some comic relief. His love was, indeed, shown to us in the wonderful gift of humor and laughter.
![]() Having been gone on my home visit after a very busy couple of months, I haven’t written here in a while. I apologize. In this post, I would like to follow up on my previous piece on the rosary. One reader asked for the complete list of phrases to insert in the Hail Marys, to which I had to admit that I had just made up the ones I shared. As I near the end of my shift at the reception desk, I’ll attempt to come up with other phrases. In case you didn’t read the previous post, it discussed the valuable practice [when praying the rosary] of inserting a phrase pertaining to the mystery inside the Hail Mary: “Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, who...” Joyful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries
January 2025