![]() This line from one of my favorite hymns (Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist) has come to mind for me in recent days. Saturday, we finished the week of prayer for Christian Unity as we celebrated the feast of St. Paul's conversion. This past week, we've had a visitor from out west, a family member of one of our residents. It has been a pleasure getting to know her a little. Her willingness to share her Christian faith and her love for our Lord have been an inspiration to me, although she is not Catholic. I invited her to join us for Mass Sunday morning, and she said she might do that. I actually ended up sitting near her for much of the liturgy, although I did have to get up for the reading and psalm, etc. As the Mass proceeded, I wondered if she knew that she wasn't supposed to receive Communion, and how to handle this without hurting her feelings or causing a stir. I really hoped I wouldn't have to do anything, and prayed for the situation. The whole situation was resolved seamlessly. At communion time, she stood, watching people, clearly unsure of what to do. I was able to whisper to her that she could just be seated, and that settled things. I was grateful. It is sad, to me, though, that there is lack of unity between Christians, that our brothers and sisters who share our love for Christ and faith in Him, are not able to share also in the richest of His blessings, the other sacraments and especially the Eucharist. Please join me in praying for unity of Christians and that our separated brothers and sisters may find the fullness of the faith. The words of the above-mentioned hymn can be a beautiful prayer to this end and can provide rich content for meditation.
This week, the hearts of many of us are in Washington D.C., with the thousands of pilgrims from around the country (and our own parishes) who are journeying there for the annual March for Life. This time of year, as we commemorate the fateful Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, is a good time to be reminded of the need for us to pray and work for the end of legalized abortion. It's easy to forget about the issue during the year, and I find events like this to be a good reminder.
In my state in life, along with writing to legislators when bills are on the table, I think the most important thing for me to do to advance this movement is to pray. I hope you join me in doing this as well. We pray for mothers in unexpected pregnancies. We pray that more babies, whose mothers are at a loss as to what to do, may be given the chance to come to birth and live out their life. This topic of praying for babies (and their mothers, of course), came to mind again because of a conversation I just had a few moments ago... This afternoon, as I was sitting at the reception desk, a long-time friend/volunteer of ours came in for her weekly hour of Eucharistic Adoration, which we hold in our chapel. Referring to an understanding between us (going back several months now), she promised to "pray for more babies" during her time with Jesus. Actually, this appreciated promise of prayer has nothing to do {directly} with the pro-life cause... During one of our monthly women's gatherings, which she had attended, this woman shared with me that she and a friend of hers refer to me as the "baby," since I am the youngest Sister her at St. Anne's." Teasingly, yet in earnest, I urged her to "pray for more babies." Now, whenever we see each other, she assures me of her prayers for vocations to our community with this endearing expression. ![]() Why is a Franciscan Sister writing about a baptism party on a cold January morning, you might ask. I realize that this title may seem strange to my readers. As a matter of fact, today is going to be a rather "strange" day here for me. (I'll get back to the baptism party issue in a bit.) We don't have Mass until 4 p.m. The priest who usually serves us on Sundays isn't available, so another priest is filling in as his schedule allows. We're not complaining; we are grateful to have a priest for Mass! Before this, however, we're having our annual baptism party! The secular Franciscans (sometimes called 'Third Order') who meet here have their monthly gatherings on the second Sunday of the month. (I serve as their 'spiritual assistant.') Instead of having their Christmas party in December (the second Sunday of which is still Advent), they celebrate Christmas together at their January meeting. Most often, this falls on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which ends the Christmas season. This group always invites us Franciscan Sisters to join in their festive gathering, which includes a potluck. This is mid-afternoon, right in between lunch and supper. It is a very nice time to come together as members of the Franciscan family to celebrate our Lord's coming among us. With all this feasting in mind, we'll have to really cut back at the other meals today, though. Today, as we celebrate the Lord's baptism, should be a good day, though the schedule will be far from normal. Happy Feast Day - and one last 'Merry Christmas!' ![]() “Jesus is the soul of our apostolate” and we are “made for mission” are some messages ringing in my mind after participating in the Student Leadership Summit (SLS20) sponsored by FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). Held in Phoenix, AZ, with around 8,000 participants, including numerous clergy and consecrated religious as well as college students, campus ministers, high-caliber speakers, parish youth ministers, and families, SLS20 provided an opportunity to get a glimpse of the Church, the Body of Christ. There were speakers, activities, liturgies, exhibits, and more! As often happens with large conferences, it was not humanly possible for one person to take in all that was offered; this is a good reminder that the Lord does not call us to do everything but has something particular in mind for us among all the choices of life. The somewhat overwhelming schedule/program of SLS20 was a reminder of, and an opportunity to practice, the personal discernment necessary in life, which presents us more options than we can possibly embrace. That aspect of modeling the message was evident at several layers throughout SLS20. There was the constant discernment necessary to navigate each day but the daily structure was also a model for our lives in that each day started with worship, an opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Mass, before the other activities began. Further, participants were encouraged to attend various sessions and then come together in the afternoon for “Power Sessions” to teach each other/share what they learned. This structure not only promotes the development of Christian friendship (a topic addressed in several sessions), the basis of incarnational evangelization (another topic addressed in various sessions), it also provides another level of processing the material being received so individuals are prepared to apply it to their lives in a very tangible way, if they so choose. In addition, this structure enabled persons to gather information from sessions they were physically unable to attend while providing encouragement and a safe space for God-talk to flourish. I was blessed to learn from and enjoy the encouragement of women from the University of Idaho for the Power Sessions. Campus ministers were encouraged to kick off the 2020 with a retreat day, and I took the opportunity to join them. This again modeled the ministry all ministers are called to…staying firmly rooted in Christ amidst the busyness of life – taking time to pray even when there are six things to be done at any given moment. If our ministry is to be fruitful, we must be Christian Mystics living the Mystery; through contemplative encounter(s) with Christ, who meets us individually where we are, we are transformed by that Mystery and sent forth in mission. This conference has been a reminder that the active life will not see us through and that the interior life is the root of all ministry. This was reinforced by the conversations I had with individuals in “Mission Way,” at our display about the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen. When students would stop by and ask, “What is your apostolate?” I found myself giving various answers: sometimes I would tell them that I work at a school and we have sisters at a nursing home and at a basic care facility as well as a retreat center but other times I would simply tell them we pray and live together in community. All in all, SLS20 was a remarkable way to wrap up 2019 and begin 2020. Now for the challenge of carrying out those resolutions. Nunc Coepi! Or, as St. Francis said, “Let us begin to serve the Lord God, for up until now we have done little or nothing.” ~ Sister Mary Ruth Huhn, OSF
January 2025