We all know that gratitude is important, right? But why is it so hard to remember to be thankful?
At least, I find it hard. Lately, though, there has been some improvement in this department for me. It came in a rather strange way, though. A couple of weeks ago, I came down with an ugly stomach bug…I hadn't been sick like that for a long time. I had to keep an ice cream pail beside my bed and made all-too-frequent use of it. As my stomach settled down and my strength slowly returned, though, I felt an immense sense of gratitude...gratitude that I could walk around...that I could begin to eat solid food...gratitude for the gift of life! As my health continues to improve, I pray that the gratitude I experienced through this temporary lack will stay with me and not fade away with the last of my residual symptoms. I pray that my unpleasant bout with this illness may be the beginning of a pattern of more frequent gratitude in my life.
March 2025