It’s been a while since I last flew in an airplane, but not so long that I’ve forgotten the benefit of a nice smooth, soft landing on the runway.
Strange as it may seem, this time after Pentecost made me think of this. Each year I am grateful for the wisdom (and charity) of the Church in giving us a nice, soft landing from the exhilaration and exuberant joy of the Easter season. We are not crash-landed back onto the green grass of Ordinary Time. Thankfully, we are allowed a number of wonderful feasts to help ease us back into the ordinary-ness of the remainder of the liturgical year. Next Sunday, we will have Trinity Sunday, with all of its wonder and mystery. Then, we celebrate Corpus Christi (my favorite), in which we especially honor and give thanks for the great gift of Our Lord’s Body and Blood. After that, we honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus, followed by the memorial of Mary’s Immaculate Heart. There are other extensions of this paschal joy for us, too. For example, the Regina Coeli is traditionally prayed until next Saturday night. Also, one’s “Easter Duty” may be fulfilled yet during this time (by Trinity Sunday). It's wonderful that we have this sort of post-Easter gradual descent to earth. There should be no ear-popping or disturbance in our equilibrium.
Susan Hoffert
5/20/2024 03:45:30 pm
I agree with you, Sr. Christina, and over the years have come to appreciate all the ways Mother Church helps us grows our faith by presenting to us all these special celebrations of the basic Truths. We are different each year, circumstances of our lives are changed - enabling us to be able to consider different aspects of these elements.
Sr. Christina
5/21/2024 08:22:42 am
Thank you for sharing! We are blessed! Have a good day!
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January 2025