Dillingen Franciscans |
We are part of an international congregation founded in Dillingen, (Bavaria, Germany) in 1241. Our community is the oldest congregation of the third order regular of St. Francis sin continuous existence. We have Sisters around the world in Germany, Brazil, India and North America.
In North America, we currently serve in the Diocese of Fargo. |

Under the patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we serve in the Diocese of Fargo (North Dakota) in school and youth work, retreats, and care for the aged.

Our three provinces in Germany have recently merged into one. Their apostolates include health care, education, helping persons with disabilities (providing them with education, work and housing), care of the elderly, children's homes, and family retreats.

Main apostolates: education and building Christian communities among the very poor. When the Sisters in Germany were forbidden to teach in the schools of Nazi-Germany, a number of them emigrated to Brazil. In 1964 the Areia (A-ray-a) province was split into two because of the great distances between the missions in the north and the south. The Sisters here are known in our congregation for their work in "building Christian communities" among the poorest of the poor in remote areas of the Amazon region.

Main apostolates: education, care of the poor. Established as a province in 1956. A large part of the work in this province is now caring for "street children" (pictured at right). More recently, in 1998, a large home for the abandoned elderly was begun. The Caxias (ka-shé-us) Province is located near Rio de Janeiro where extreme wealth and extreme poverty exist side-by-side.

Main apostolates: healthcare and education. As the youngest (established, 1999) and most rapidly growing province in our Congregation, this province has the distinction of existing in a society where women are not readily accepted as business leaders or property owners, and where proselytizing is strictly forbidden. The Sisters here serve many Hindu and Moslem families through their apostolic works. Their main way of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ is by their presence and charity.